Thursday, 25 August 2011

Session 1 Reflection (22nd August 2011)

Session 1 ( 22nd August 2011)

Name-Problem Activity

This was my first session in Dr Yeap’s class. It was an interesting introduction of our professors last name Ban Har which means a ‘thousand summers’ which I thought it was cool and has a nice meaning. And then it was time to problem-solve the Name- problem Activity!
Hahah… I did not know it will turn into a math activity. =)  because I so do not like doing math…..!! But I enjoyed the session because it helped  me to see Math in a different light. From this whole session, I experienced the 5 process standards through the activities which were designed to bring out problem solving skills, reasoning and proof, communication, connections and representation.
 (Name- Problem Activity)
This lesson helped me think of alternate methods and if there is more ways to solve this problem.  I noticed the more the class thought, the more methods the class found and they came up with 4 methods and communicated their views with the whole class. As I sat in class listening, I realized it is important to understand other people’s point of view even if we know the answer. In that way and applying it as a teacher, we need to know why our students think in a way, how they came to it, what do they understand and make out of it and how they connect it.
Uses Of Numbers
I learnt that it is important to explicitly teach young children that numbers are used differently and what are the various ways in which numbers can be used.
1.     Cardinal Numbers- Numbers to count
2.    *Ordinal numbers
3.    Position in space- no of letters
4.    Position  with respect to time
5.    Rote
6.    Nominal
7.    Measurement numbers
An interesting thing I learnt in class was the common mistake teachers make because we are not careful when teaching ordinal numbers. When we teach ordinal numbers we tend to ask: `who is 3rd in the race?’ Actually, anyone can be from the picture. We need to describe explicitly for young children.
e.g. At this point who is 3rd from the finishing line ? We teachers should not mix up ordinal numbers in space and ordinal numbers in time.
More Uses of Numbers
There are also other uses of numbers which are odd and even, prime numbers, differences in numbers etc…
Teachers must understand the terms and observe children, as children are at different standards.
Some children do rote-counting, others have progressed to rationale counting or some might even say sequence of numbers correctly but don’t even know what the number represents and how it is used.

(Sound of a number Activity)
I found this activity interesting. Dr Yeap was talking about the sound of numbers- How many buttons are there in the can?
Questions class asked: Is it same size?
                                   : Is it same material?
It was good we asked this because we realized materials grouped according to size and same material is easier to count for young children. Dr Yeap mentioned it is a bad example if there is no grouping. Depending on a Unit you can count something. Some things can be counted and some cannot be counted. In the 2 cans there were same type of buttons and he emphasized to us you can only count things in the same set. (Good example)
He said that it is a good idea to use identical things or identical things which can be perceived as identical. It must be in same unit, same set.
When Counting:
 Teachers must also take note- children must be able to classify before they count!
            And that is why for meaningful counting there are 3 Pre-requisites
·         Ability to classify before counting
·         Ability to do rote counting in the correct sequence
·         Able to do 1 to 1 correspondence.
·         Appreciation the last number you utter represents the things in the group.

I found these points useful and definitely will come in handy as a Assessment tool.
Poker Cards Activity
 I really like this trick. I feel like a magician and was already imagining the    children’s reactions. I learnt there is a pattern to this trick and for a pattern question, rules must be stated. Patterns always have rules and terms!
Last but not least, I enjoyed this 1st session and going through the 5 process experiences and agree that doing mathematics is not about getting to the destination it is a process and a vehicle and is to develop visualization and good thinking skills.

Poker Card Magic Trick!

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